What is a Canadian Open Work Permit and How to Get It?

A Canadian open work permit is a legal document that allows a foreign citizen to work while in Canada. With a Canadian open work permit, a person can work anywhere in Canada and for any company they want, without being tied to a single location. Canadian open work permits do not require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or a job offer from a Canadian employer.

rsscanadaimmigration.com provides consultancy and follow-up services with IRCC certified experts in Canada for all types of work permits in Canada, such as work visas and work permits.

What Types of Work Permits are Open in Canada?

Open work permit types in Canada include unrestricted work permits that allow for change of employer, occupation and place of work; restricted work permits that allow for change of employer but not occupation; and restricted work permits that allow for change of employer but not place of work.

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The type of Canadian work permit is determined by the officer at the Canadian Consulate based on the documents submitted in the Canadian work permit application.

Who is Eligible for a Canadian Open Work Permit?

Persons who are eligible to obtain a Canadian open work permit are listed below.

  • Spouses or common-law partners of certain temporary foreign workers
  • Spouses or common-law partners of some international students
  • International students graduating from a designated educational program in Canada
  • Permanent resident applicants who apply through the in-Canada spousal sponsorship process
  • Some young workers participating in programs offered through International Experience Canada (IEC)
  • Refugees, refugee applicants, protected persons and family members

What are the requirements for a Canadian Open Work Permit?

For a Canadian open work permit, if a person is a resident of Canada and their work permit has expired and they have applied for permanent residence through the federal or provincial economy class program, they and their spouse may be eligible for an open work permit.

Spouses or partners of Canadians or permanent residents may be granted an open work permit if they are sponsored for permanent residence through in-Canadian sponsorship and the person meets the eligibility criteria under the immigration program.

A person may be eligible for an open work permit if they are the spouse or partner of a temporary foreign worker who is residing or intending to reside in Canada and has been employed in Canada for at least six months in a job that corresponds to a National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill level of 0, A or B.

An international student’s spouse or partner may be eligible for an open work permit if they are not a full-time student. Students over the age of 18 who have graduated from a designated 8-month program of study in Canada are eligible for an open work permit, the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).

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Participants in the International Experience Canada (IEC) program can also receive an open work permit under the working holiday category. Following the most appropriate path for a work permit in Canada ensures that the process is completed in the shortest time possible.

How to Get an Open Work Permit in Canada?

To obtain an open work permit in Canada, a foreign national can apply for an open work permit before arriving in Canada or after arriving in Canada, depending on the program conditions.

The process for applying for a Canadian work permit and the documents that need to be submitted vary depending on where the application is made. For both applications made outside Canada and after arrival in Canada, the procedure involves submitting a specified form and paying the open work permit application fee at the same time as the work permit fee.

Can I Get a Work Permit Without a Job Offer in Canada?

Yes, it is possible to obtain an open work permit without a Canadian job offer. An open work permit allows a person to work in Canada without having a specific job offer. Because a Canadian open work permit is not job specific, the person does not have to meet some of the same requirements as individuals with other work permits.

How Much Is the Canada Open Work Permit Application Fee?

The Canadian open work permit application fee is 100 CAD and must be paid in addition to the work permit fee of 155 CAD.

How Long Does It Take to Get an Open Work Permit from Canada?

An open work permit from Canada takes approximately 3 months to be issued.

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Can Canadian Permanent Residence Applicants Get an Open Work Permit?

Yes, Canadian permanent resident applicants can obtain an open work permit.

The person who will apply for an open work permit must have their application for permanent residence in Canada approved by IRCC and have received a confirmation email. If the person has a Canadian residence and work permit, they can also apply for an open work permit.

Can I Take Family Members to Canada with a Canadian Open Work Permit?

With a Canadian open work permit, family members such as a spouse or partner and minor children are allowed to be brought to Canada. The person’s documents must be attached to their application to be considered as a family. After the person arrives in Canada, their spouse or partner can apply for an open work permit in Canada if they meet the eligibility criteria.

In Which Cities Can I Work with a Canadian Open Work Permit?

Although you can work anywhere in Canada with a Canadian open work permit, the cities with the highest employment gap are listed below.

  • Peterborough
  • Vancouver
  • Guelph
  • Edmonton
  • Kitchener
  • Victoria
  • Moncton
  • Sherbrooke
  • Ottawa
  • Hamilton
  • Montréal
  • Toronto

Major Canadian cities are suitable for the applicant in terms of job opportunities.

Can I Move to Canada with an Open Work Permit?

It is not possible to settle in Canada with an open work permit.

It is possible to settle in Canada after applying for permanent residence through programs opened by the government.

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